This weekends weather |
Paddle boarding rules. Simple as that.
You are on a super sturdy board, which are all the new 2013 models since COA only offers the best. This means that you start out very well balanced, and with a bit of core and keeping your weight in your toes you are cruising across Folly Creek! Don't worry though, you begin on your knees and get the hang of your paddle first. In fact, if you don't feel comfortable you can stay on your knees as long as you like! This past Sunday, on my day off, I ended up on Bowens Island anyway and took out a paddle board. In West Ashley it was beautiful, sunny, and warm. On Bowens it was beautiful, sunny, warm, and windy. Wind is something you want to be careful of when you decide to take out a paddle board. I went out anyway but stayed on my knees the whole time since paddling standing up with the wind was too hard. Still super fun and a great work out. I made my way into one of the back creeks where I was out of the wind and just laid out in the sun. I highly suggest this for any deep thinking or relaxing on vacation.
I want to take YOU out on a paddle board tour. Don't worry if you've never done it before, you'll get a lesson before we go out and then I'll go at your pace. Check out that weather again for this weekend. Not too windy! Call me up!!
-Anna, Your active adventurous naturalist